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Control The Noise!

Updated: Oct 6, 2021

A powerful wind swept past him. An earthquake rumbled around him. A fire crackled nearby. But the prophet Elijah didn't need another noisy event. He needed quietness. He needed a calming, refreshing, revitalizing time alone with God. So do we. And what a challenge that is. Open your Bible, whisper a prayer, and start

reading. Distractions will come. Noises will fill your ears. Or your thoughts. But God made you smarter than those distractions. An old Methodist preacher named Samuel Chadwick once said, “When alone with God, be alone with God.” In other words, we can protect that time. Sometimes the problem is internal noises. Thoughts can steal your concentration with the intensity of a rumbling earthquake or a more subtle cracking fire. If so, then keep paper nearby so you can jot those thoughts down. Then, set the paper aside for later. The thoughts blowing through your mind might be something you need to talk to God about. Tell Him, then ask Him to speak to your heart as you read His word. Expect that later in the day—or in a few days—the Holy Spirit will bring something you read back to your mind. He can do that, like a song that's referred to as an earworm, playing unrequested inside your head. Scriptural earworms help us. Here are Jesus' words from John 14:26 (NKJV)--- “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom

the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance.”

What's your reflection in today's mirror? As someone who needs to hear a scriptural earworm from time to time. That begins by reducing the external and internal noises so you

can concentrate on your time alone with God.

That's this week's look in.. the mirror.Blog > Posts.

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